Sunday, July 22, 2007

How many times can you get lost?

This photo was taken on my favourite walk of the trip. I was paddling in a stream, just before it leaped over a high precipice. We had stopped at the waterfall for lunch, this was after following the path up to it through a stunning ravine and forest. The walk is memorable as well because we got lost so many times, I think about five in total, we ended up taking about six hours to do it. To top it all, when we got about two thirds of the way round, we came to a trail that had been completely blocked by the forestry commission, they were chopping down trees and had left big signs everywhere saying that we should not proceed. We were very naughty, because we completely ignored all warnings, our only other option was to go back and it was too far and too late. It was very exciting because we didn't know what we were letting ourselves in for. After a while, we did have to clamber over some cut logs and stuff to get past, but nothing major to stop us and we felt exhilarated, like a couple of mischievous children that have done something wrong and got away with it! Did our poor feet ache by the time we got back, it was worth it though!


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