Up the London Eye

Hi everyone, had a little break yesterday cos it was my birthday! What a fantastic day we had. Woke up and Gerald had bought me the most beautiful ring, a sparkly stone set in white gold, it is very pretty indeed. Then he went out and came back with a box of my favourite chocolates, yum yum. We decided to go into London, despite me being terrified of heights , we ended up on the London Eye. It had turned into a gorgeous afternoon with the sunshine breaking through the thick clouds. It was amazing to see just how huge London really is, and also to be so high up that people look like little ants on the ground. My favourite park in London is St James par, next to Buckingham Palace, so we went for a stroll there afterwards and sat on the grass, enjoying a delicious ice-cream. Later on , we headed back home and went to our favourite Italian restaurant which is very close to us. We ate till our stomachs wanted to burst, before coming home and crashing out. It was a lovely day, I always used to dread my birthday, but if they are going to be like that I won't mind so much in the future! tomorrow we are off to North Wales, I am looking forward to being there, but not so keen on driving as it is a long way, I'm sure once we get going we will be fine, so that's what I'll be doing today, getting ready!
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