Sunday, July 29, 2007

Rain and more rain

Hi everyone, I haven't written for a couple of days as I have had the headache from hell, that's what happens when you allow silly things to stress you out. You would think I would know better, I'm very good at giving advice, not so good at following it!
We stayed up till the early hours and it was raining solidly and heavily for at least four hours. We were trying to watch a movie, but there is something wrong with our dvd player, so we just gave up in the end and listened to the rain instead. There's something very comforting about going to sleep to the sound of rain and you are all snuggled up and cozy inside your bed. I have always loved the energy of thunderstorms, takes me back to my childhood. It was so exciting when the sky turned black, there was always a pregnant silence accompanied by the fresh, sweet smell of the rain. The rumbling thunder would draw closer and closer and the birds would fly for cover into the trees. Suddenly thick, heavy drops of rain would fall onto the steaming ground, the heavens would open and I would run inside. I used to make myself melted cheese on toast, with a cup of milky coffee and I would get under the covers of my bed and watch the splendour of the lightning dazzle the sky. Then I would always become sleepy and drift off until later. It's making me feel drowsy just thinking about it. Well, I'm sure if you're living in middle England, the last thing you want is someone banging on about the rain. I'm sure everyone is asking themselves how much longer it's going to continue. What a difference to the hot, dry summer of last year.


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