Wednesday, August 01, 2007

We're still here!

What a week we've had so far. First of all, the festival was cancelled and then the saga with Myspace, sometimes we can't even log in and our page has gone all pear-shaped , grrr. It's very frustrating because we have been featured in a magazine and I know that loads of people will be visiting our page to have a look. Thank goodness we have our own website, in case you have forgotten , ,you can be kept up to date with all our goings on, whilst the lovely people at Myspace sort out all the problems.
Anyway, we are going to write some more songs and get some more gigs, can't be too disappointed as there's nothing we can do about it, just get on with it. I let myself get all stressed out last week and I ended up with a migraine for four days, it's not worth it.
Seems like the summer is here at last, it's about time, lovely to see the blue skies and the bright sunshine, gorgeous to just walk outside in a t-shirt and actually feel warm, and of course everything looks so green from all the rain. Makes me want to be outside, I will look forward to running later.
Success is only an absence of failure, don't ever give up, no matter what obstacles are put in your way.


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