Sunday, August 05, 2007

Mugabe rules the world

Not a day goes by when I don't think about Zimbabwe and all the terrible things that go on. The news is full of reports about human rights abuses and starvation yet the rest of the world turns a blind eye and doesn't do a thing to help. Why have they forsaken my beautiful country, why? There must be someone that can intervene, there must be someone who cares. Does anyone have any sort of moral conscience to allow all of this to happen? Mugabe is worse than Saddam and yet no-one wants to bring him to justice. He has to answer for mass genocide of his own people, beatings, torture and the collapse of a once flourishing economy, but the powers that be just let him continue. Are Bush and Brown saying that the lives of normal Zimbabweans are not worth saving, is it just another troublesome African country that should be ignored, and by the way how bad does the situation have to get before anyone does anything? They have made Mugabe invincible, they might as well just stick him on a throne and crown him king, he gets away with it time after time, all he does is stick his fingers up at the rest of the world, making a mockery out of democracy.


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