Friday, August 03, 2007


Hi everyone, another gorgeous day here in London, loads of people will probably grumble about the heat now, but you won't catch me complaining. The other day I made the mistake of purchasing a blackout blind, I thought it would be so easy to install in our bedroom, nothing better than a nice, dark room to sleep in. Two days later and it has turned into the DIY nerve- breaker. Should have known it was a bad sign when the instructions were quite obviously wrong, it they had actually been for the blind that we bought, it would have been easy. After much confusion we decided the easiest thing to do was to just put it up without trying to trim it. As Gerald was drilling a hole in the wall, the drill ran out of power and the bit got stuck in the hole, I was less than impressed, we had to wait for the drill to recharge. Still, it should have been pretty straightforward from there, it wasn't so bad getting actually fitting it to the wall, but then it wouldn't roll down properly and it makes a terrible squeaking noise, it is quite honestly the crappiest thing I have ever bought in my life. What made it worse was that as we were in the middle of it, Nyo decided to start flying around the flat and refused to go back in her cage, so I had to keep running from room to room like some glorified bird nanny. By the end of it all I was cursing the damn thing, wishing I'd never bought it. Now we have to adjust our other curtain fittings as well to make it look half decent. Leave it for a few days , I think. I did appreciate it this morning though, it does make a difference.


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