Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The funny things people say!

The sky is grey and overcast today, looks like the weather report is accurate again. It was quite amusing last night, we saw some friends that we hadn't seen in a while, so we took them a CD and some photos of the Picnic. We were chatting away, telling them all the things that were happening with the music and then one of them turned around and said "Oh, so your voice has got better then?" Err yes, thanks a lot! Then Gerald showed them a picture from the video where he is dressed up in a mask,and without even really looking at it they said, "Oh yes, you can tell that's you!", as if he looks like a strangely painted character with straw hair! When we got in the car to come home, we were chuckling away much better. People do come out with some funny things, I suppose because we have been doing it for so long, and they knew me when I was just starting out. People think that success is an overnight thing, they don't realise you have to work hard for a long time to get anywhere. So to all my friends, thank you for your patience, I might have made you listen to dodgy recordings when I started, but I've made up for it now!


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