Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Crystals before our eyes

If anyone was planning to come and see us play at The Rainbow Spirit Enlightenment Fayre, we learned yesterday that owing to licencing problems, they have had to postpone the festival (again!) until 2009! How disappointing.
The first time Gerald came to Zimbabwe with me, we went to stay in an exclusive game lodge that belonged to and was named after a girl I used to go to school with. It was quite strange, because apart from another family , we were the only guests there, it was at a time when the tourist industry had more or less collapsed in Zimbabwe.
Anyway, we had arrived there in the afternoon and later on we decided to go for a walk to a small dam that we had seen, it was quite close to the main road at the boundary of the lodge. The owner's dog , which was a very boisterous Rhodesian Ridgeback, decided he was going to accompany us and we set off down the dirt track to our destination. The heat was still oppressive, but just starting to cool off as we sped towards dusk. We turned the corner and the dam was straight ahead, and to our delight and amazement, there was a herd of zebra right in front of us. Our walk had miraculously and unexpectedly turned into a safari, for we also saw some other small buck and even more zebra. As the sun slowly started to sink down, the earth felt so warm and peaceful, we decided to climb up some granite rocks, to sit and gaze out and the landscape. When we got to the top, Gerald started to discover all these crystals that were just lying on the ground, it was as if Africa was welcoming him and showing him her magic.


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