Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Countryside and tube strikes

We had such a surreal day yesterday that in the end we were both so discombobulated that we just collapsed. In the morning we took a drive out to the country to view that cottage that I was talking about a few days ago. It was in a beautiful location, very rural, but there were a couple of drawbacks, one of which was that we were would have been far too close to the neighbours, right on top of them in fact. Sort of defeats the object of moving to the country. The other factor was that it was completely unfurnished, without even a fridge or cooker and we would have had to had all the wiring and everything done to install them, something that is a landlord's responsibility really. Plus the landlady sounded like a fussy old bat. I actually liked the property more than Gerald, but you have to be practical with these things and weighing everything up, we had to turn it down. I still feel sad. Anyway, I had to rush back and go into London, I went on the tube and by the time I wanted to come home they were all on strike, it's not easy to get home with millions of people fighting for places on buses etc, but I was very fortunate in that I managed to get almost all the way back without too much inconvenience. We sat down to watch a film and within the first few minutes I was fast asleep... By the way, we have a new page on Facebook, if you are on Facebook , please add us as a friend, we are under the name of Susi Lavender xx


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