Thursday, September 06, 2007

Chilled Commuting

Only two days to go before the festival, starting to feel the familiar churning in my stomach, or is that just because I'm in the process of waking up? Everyday I closely examine my teeth to see if they have become any straighter, I know it's only been two weeks, but I'm impatient! For a few months now I have been doing something constructive whilst I am in the car- I put on some chilled out beats and then I chant until I reach my destination. I used to do my singing exercises, but Gerald put a stop to it, he said that there was no way I could concentrate on them properly whilst driving, very true. I like chanting though, it makes for a peaceful journey, I don't get half as irate as I used to. What do I chant, you might wonder? Long drawn out "Om's" are my favourite. When I go on the underground I just put my MP3 player on and meditate. Sometimes I do breathing exercises, obviously not when the train is stopped at a station , but when it is moving and making loads of noise, otherwise someone might think that I'm hyperventilating. Have you ever noticed on the tube how people always pretend not to notice each other and everyone avoids eye contact? Maybe one day I'll start doing headstands or sit with my toe in my ear...


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