Saturday, March 17, 2007


Hi everyone, I went running again yesterday and my legs are paying the price, but so far I have managed to avoid any strained muscles. Supposedly we will be getting some snow tomorrow, this is crazy, it was only a few days ago that we were walking around in our t-shirts. I feel sorry for the birds because they must think that summer is on the way and they will get a nasty shock when it turns all cold.
Some sort of construction going on across the road, not very tranquil around here at all. I was outraged by one of the neighbours because she had a lovely tree cut down for no apparent reason. I can't stand it when people cut down trees, not only does her garden look all bare and hideous now, but who suffered again? the poor little birds that were left homeless and bewildered.
One of my favourite place for trees is Epping Forest, there is an abundance of gnarled and ancient looking specimens, some of them even look like they have faces and it feels like they are watching you when you walk past. The energy that comes off trees is amazing, I can understand why people hug trees because it is very therapeutic. When I was at school we were made very aware of tree conservation and we all planted our own tree in an open field at the school. Many a year I used to return to see how my tree was doing, it always stood out because it was slightly taller and stronger than the others around it. I took a lot of inspiration from my tree.


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