Saturday, March 24, 2007


I had a dream that there was peace in the world and we lived in harmony with nature like the days of old. There were no cars and cities didn't exist, we lived in a humble dwelling on the edge of a lake. We were friends with all the animals and could communicate with them on a higher level. We grew our own things to eat, and kept some chickens as well. Our days were spent exploring the surrounding areas, we would walk for ages, learning about all the different plants and trees. There was a stream nearby in the mountains that led to a waterfall and we spent many hours swimming in the warm , clear waters, we would lie on the hot black rocks afterwards and dry ourselves off.
When night began to fall, we would build a large fire and sit and meditate into the night, our minds would take us on journeys to other dimensions and we learnt our purpose in life, it became clear. There were no boundaries to our thoughts.
Life was simple and as it should be.


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